Current Issue

2024: Volume 6, Issue 1

Industrial Safety, Work and Well-being of Dental Professionals in Colombia

Elias Alberto Bedoya Marrugo*

Doctor in Research and Teaching , ESP Occupational Health, ESP Quality Management and Audit, Public Health Instructor,

Agribusiness and Mining Center. GIBIOMAS Group, Colombia

*Corresponding Author: Elias Alberto Bedoya Marrugo, Doctor in Research and Teaching , ESP Occupational Health, ESP Quality Management and Audit, Public Health Instructor, Agribusiness and Mining Center. GIBIOMAS Group, Colombia; Email: [email protected]

Received Date : April 23, 2024

Publication Date: May 22, 2024

Citation: Marrugo EAB. (2024). Industrial Safety, Work and Well-being of Dental Professionals in Colombia. Dental. 6(1):13.

Copyright: Marrugo EAB. © (2024).


Know the different concepts about industrial safety, allowing you to analyze the import of this discipline in the development of work activity in dentists in Colombia, understanding the various regulations that regulate a health and safety management system, how it emerged, how it is composed, what is your objective, etc. and in turn describe the different approaches to which safety in dental work points, taking into account factors such as the environment, working conditions, etc.

Keywords: Safety, Dentist, Health, Prevention, Colombia

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